Feng Shui Master Australia

Superior Level Feng Shui Resource Blog
Not For Profit
~ Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Central Coast NSW, Australia & Worldwide

Specialties: chinese zodiac prediction, interpretation of the chinese new year animals, chinese horoscopes,
ancient life mapping and path analysis

Time & Space Analysis/ADVANCED Flying Star FENG SHUI/
Observation Technique/


Year of the Dragon/Crocodile

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The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.
— Nikola Tesla

This is superior level feng shui at the highest standard!

Master Gabriella does not practice nor reveal her art-form, as it is too precious to disclose.
This site is merely set up as an information resource or blog.

Her knowledge is unique because she uses a system which is far more superior and not taught in any feng shui school of the western world.
This is what sets her aside from others and allows her assessment to be more acute. 

Mission Statement:

Gabriella aspires to one day teach a new science that is not yet known to humanity, a science that connects all other sciences together and is the secret to life and the universe and answers why things are the way they really are.

One day when the time is right, she will teach and reveal the information.

Secondary Mission Statement:

To create an information resource site, through written material such as articles, as a way to enlighten others to a higher level than just the normal standard feng shui and metaphysical practices.

Click below to get to her blog:

Buyer Beware:

Since ancient times the more authentic versions of feng shui were hidden from us and disguised so that only affluent people had access to this knowledge and system.  The Western World was never shown the true system.
Unfortunately, not many people know this or the extent, this includes those who may be certified, accredited or belong to some feng shui association.

Gabriella reveals to you this system if she chooses to consult you,

But might one be reminded, she is very weary on sharing her knowledge and just prefers not to practice anymore!

On hidden & forgotten feng shui -

Did you know that, Master Gabriella believes that more authentic versions of feng shui were perhaps known to many other ancient civilizations, and not just the Chinese?

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Meet Feng Shui Master Gabriella

Feng Shui Master Gabriella at the age of 35, while may appear young, is far more wiser and older in her years and certainly possesses advanced knowledge into Chinese metaphysics. Her knowledge is extremely comparable to others practicing in the western world, and to even those whom may be twice her age, or whom may carry heavy reputations.

Why Your Feng Shui Number may be Useless (click below)!

Feng Shui Discrepancy -

Did you know there is much discrepancy and difference of opinion in the feng shui community yet not many are willing to talk about it? Instead of addressing the problem, many like to give the excuse that this is just a different interpretation, Master Gabriella disagrees.

Feng Shui remedies in ones home will not work unless one knows about the FUTURE.

A TRUE master will not attempt to perform any kind of remedy in your home without telling you about your future first.

This also explains why certain feng shui remedies do not always work!

Misleading Representations -

There are many different schools of feng shui and different methods, some are similar and some contradict one another. This is why feng shui consultants can have different opinions on the same property.

Gabriella doesn't believe, in her opinion, that there are enough 'solid grounds' so to speak, in main-stream feng shui for feng shui institutions, associations and organisations to benchmark themselves upon, where they are offering something they believe is completely certified.

She believes there is too much discrepancy, in feng shui practices, to validate one teaching over another or one individual over another.

There are only a very few select places and people in the world, which offer this and it is very difficult to find them, some of which do not belong to such groups and whose names you'll never hear of.

In saying so, such institutions, associations or organisations can be helpful in allowing a consumer to identify a consultant who may be obviously very, very fraudulent.

However, any person with a high level of commonsense, will know the difference, if they have undertaken a bit of research themselves, without the help of such groups.

In the end, word of mouth from a friend, associate or relative, is sometimes the best form of referral when it comes to finding a feng shui practitioner who may be worth their money.


Feng Shui History -

One must realise, through the course of history and the recording of it, many countries and their elite had control over what was written!


On Feng Shui Annoyance -

Have you ever felt in the past, that you were given a run for your money when hiring a feng shui professional?

Perhaps your last feng shui consultant told you that "the corridor had to be wider so the dragon could pass through" not sure knowing what they meant because they didn't really explain in plain english. It is unethical for feng shui consultants and masters to be speaking in riddles towards their customers and charging hundreds of dollars.

Incorrect Practices -

Most feng shui consultants will suggest remedies in a home or commercial building based on what the can see of the property from a structural view point, while this may seem like the correct way, it is not really the right way to start off, in the beginning.

It instead should start with the customer first, then the house, not the other way around or just solely looking at the property alone.


A Master will not tell you their secrets, and there are "Masters" who have no secrets, there are those to be weary of and there are consultants who might be just as good as a Master however, will not call themselves one.

Neither will any standard (or not so standard) feng shui course or resource reveal to you the true feng shui system.

This is an unregulated industry, one much 'shop around' to understand what is meant by this.  


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