By Feng Shui Master Gabriella Central Coast NSW Sydney Australia Interstate Worldwide /
Can a home’s design and structure “affect” your health and well being? Or does the design and structure symbolise the health of the occupants whom live there?
This may sound ridiculous however over the years I have noticed, strangely enough, the power of symbology and yet I do not understand exactly how or why it works. From my experience it always seems to be the case, as I’ve said before, there is a higher awareness that goes on within the universe, and the big eye watches us.
This case study is for those whom may have a house with a weak sitting direction (the side of the house directly opposite the facing direction) or missing gap in the sitting direction, this article may also give you ideas how to remedy it.
In saying so, remedies often don't always work, however sometimes they do. Despite this, if you are a keen feng shui enthusiast, or are curious, sometimes a different avenue is worth a try. Remedies should only be treated like an experiment of some kind.
I also want to point out that this is not a case study to prove that feng shui can fix Michael, or any kind of health problem, it is simply a philosophy that gives us sometimes more awareness about the home and our lives which occur within it.
First of all lets have a look at Michael Schumacher's home, bird's eye view below:
So do our homes represent our health? How is it possible? Simply we place a ‘Transverse’ section of the human body over the property’s construction plan.
We align the front side of the human body map, to the facing position of the property, and the spinal side (the back) we align with the sitting position of the property.
After combining both maps, there is more often than not a symbolic representation of the health of the occupants who live there.
Encase your wondering, a transverse section of the human body is basically a bird’s eye view of the human body and its organs. One way of doing this, is by drawing an outline of your property’s construction plan, over the transverse section of the human body.
In the case of Michael Schumacher, when combining both maps, it is quite obvious the construction plan of his property has a “missing a spine” - symbolically, or a missing 'Dorsal Body Cavity' (medical term). Have a look at the diagram below:
As we can see from the above map, Schumacher's home displays a sitting direction with a 'missing piece', or missing area. Because this missing piece or missing chunk is coming out of the sitting direction (the "spine") or back bone of the property so to speak. There is a great weakness in this area of the body.
Often such house types reveal someone in risky business or dangerous profession. Because the sitting direction of a home, governs how you are backed up and supported.
Just like the spine in the human body. In the case of Michael Schumacher, there is the exception, this house and it's design symbolised someone working in a dangerous and risky profession ie doing something dangerous to back up the occupants and one's life style. It was only when he retired that the accident occurred.
Michael Schumacher the greatest formula one race driver as we all know, had a skiing accident a few years ago. Since then we have not seen any pictures of him in the media. It is said that his wife built a medical facility in his home, so that he could be assisted by a team of specialist medical professionals.
If he does dwell at this address, the construction plan does reflect the state of health. If the medical facility is not in the home, on the grounds instead, this property, would still be highly influential towards Michael Schumacher, simply because the power of symbology.
Sometimes the construction plan of a property will not influence the occupants for a long time, however, much of the time, the longer one stays, a higher chance that it will begin to reflect.
The reason for this is that our lives fold out each in a unique and different way.
Sometimes, a weak sitting direction does not always symbolise the health of the occupant, it can instead symbolise a weakening, in all facets of one's life because this direction is what backs up and supports the occupants (symbolically).
Nonetheless, if you believe that you do live in a house with a weak sitting direction and feel it's affects, read on to find out more.
With all due respect, I recognize that his wife wouldn’t want the media around, in order to protect his privacy and more important, his dignity.
Rumor has it, that he is unable to walk, has limited mental capacity, of the extent we are unsure, he can’t talk and apparently he is wheeled around the grounds of his property, shielded by tents and make shift walls, so the paparazzi cannot see him. However these are all rumors so there may not be much weight to any of it, we can only speculate.
The sitting direction is also often associated with the spine, the spine is what holds up the human body, and without it we wouldn’t be able to walk or hold ourselves together.
The spine is directly opposite the front of the human body and it makes sense in a property, the same theme is presented - the sitting direction is always opposite the facing direction.
The structure of their property is showing a significant gap in this area of the body – it is a flaw in their construction plan.
The remedy is quite simple. His wife could undertake some renovations and remodel the gap in the sitting direction, to fill it up somehow, create an indoor foyer, or another room, or to at least patch up the wall so it runs continually across the sitting direction.
This would help symbolically, to back up the occupant’s because one is strengthening the sitting wall and more importantly Michael’s health.
As mentioned, remedies do not always work, however if one has the means and money to do something different, sometimes it is worth a try in exploring a different avenue.
To understand what I’m talking about, in relation to filling up the “gap” see diagram of their sitting direction below:
Image from Motorsport
The spine is also part of the dorsal body cavity, meaning that the spine is in direct association of the brain and the spinal cord which all work together, in fact most medical professionals would regard the spine as an extension of the brain.
The dorsal body cavity is the cavity which is responsible for movement of the body, its ability to control movement and to hold the body up, just like the sitting direction of house, which backs up the occupants and supports them. Often when a person damages their spinal or the part of the brain that controls processes in relation to the spinal cord, is damaged it can cause paralysis.
There are rumors that Michael is not able to walk or stand without the assistance of two physicians.
This gap is a representation of not just a missing spine, however a representation of the dorsal body cavity completely missing and not present.
Without a strong sitting direction in a property, often but not always, occupants will feel weakened by the effects whether it be their health, finances, career or relationships. Again, sometimes it can take years to happen. The longer they stay at such properties, the more riskier it can be, or higher chance of it happening.
One could say that a strong sitting direction in a home is as important as the spine (or dorsal body cavity) in holding up the human body.
Homes should be built under structures which have a complete shape and with no missing corners or sectors and ideally a strong sitting direction.
This gap in the sitting direction of their home, is also the sector of the house where their main entrance is. This door would be making the “gap” (or missing dorsal body cavity) area worse and symbolically placing more pressure on this part of the body.
From a symbolical perspective, a main door in this location, is like someone constantly having a needle up their spine, skull or creating too many "holes" in that area of the body.
Often feng shui consultants will have varying opinions of where the “true” facing position is in a property. Some feng shui consultants believe that the facing direction is where the front door is, however I don’t share the same views.
For example some properties have more than one main entrance, these doors which are often in use at different times. If this really was the case, this would mean such a property’s facing and sitting direction would be changing all the time, based on which door is used – this is ridiculous and incorrect.
The true facing direction of a property, in my belief is not to do with where the main door is, instead it is the side of the house with the most light coming through, the side with the most windows and views.
From there, we look at the direct opposite side of the facing direction, to find the sitting direction of the home. Usually this side will be significantly darker, if not significantly darker, could still be the sitting direction.
When it comes to looking at facing and sitting side of a house, they are always opposite each other, one must always incorporate the philosophy of the yin/yang symbol, where light and darkness are situated within a home as a guide to determine this.
Facing and sitting direction of a property is a fixed determination and is to do always with light and darkness. It never changes as you can’t change where the sun rises and sets.
The sitting direction was found by first determining the facing direction, which is the lake side, as we can see below, the lake side has so many windows and most likely, remarkable views of the Lake, that is unmistakably the facing position. See below:
Image found at
Back to the opposite side of the property, which is on the other side of the house, the sitting side, not the lake side, there are still more problems. The driving of cars, parking in and out of the gap where the main entrance is, would also be placing a lot of pressure on this dorsal body cavity.
In addition there is even more obstruction or pressure, the large circular disk-like drive way, being so close to the house and the gap, would be cutting into the dorsal body cavity and adding more pressure.
Circular shapes are very popular in feng shui, however if a building is located too close outside a circular structure, this is like a sharp circular disk cutting into you.
In the case of Michael Schumacher, this circular shape is cutting in too closely in relation to the gap or dorsal body cavity, adding additional pressure to this area. It is only ideal to have properties situated within the curve of a circle or inside a curve like structure, not outside a curve or circle, this is well known in feng shui to cause a cutting affect.
And finally, they would have to remove the water feature which is directly in line with the missing gap – this could symbolise too much fluid in the dorsal body cavity - the spine or the head.
In place, of the water feature, I would plant a large, strong, very tall like pine tree – these trees are symbolically very representative of a strong healthy spine backing up the sitting direction.
Or I would place a large, tall, strong and pleasing statue made of stone or marble to add strength to the sitting direction.
In feng shui water features are very important, however when looking at the likely health situation of a particular occupant, a water feature in the center would actually be creating more of a problem. It's symbolically not appropriate in this particular spot as it represents fluid retention in particular areas that I mentioned.
See below an image of how they might need to transform the driveway so there is no circular shape disk cutting into them. As you can see I have removed the water feature in addition. I am no architect or landscape artist, however their help could make something like this look much better.
This is how their sitting direction might look roughly, if the suggestions were put in place. A new design could be created with the help of an architect or landscape artist. In feng shui we always think of water features, but they shouldn't be put anywhere. I have removed their water feature and replaced it with a tall pine tree to help add strength to the sitting direction. You could also use a large tall statue. It is most important to fill the gap with another room or building.
This is how their sitting direction most likely currently looks. See how they have a major gap in the sitting direction which symbolizes the spine and dorsal body cavity missing. See how the big circular disk like driveway, cuts into the sitting direction and adds pressure to the dorsal body cavity. A property sitting outside of a circle is unlucky because outside a circle the energy is sharp and cuts into the occupants.
The sitting direction as said, is suppose to be a spot in the construction plan that backs up the occupants the most. In this area we want to see a strong wall, this wall is missing, instead we have a major gap and another opening, a door - a main entrance.
Might I emphasize, this is actually the complete opposite of what we need to back up the occupants. It defeats the purpose of a strong sitting direction. It creates great weakness not just in the 'dorsal body cavity' region where we can see Michael Schumacher's health very much affected (skull and spine), however in the occupant's ability to be supported in all facets of one's life - his wife has had to sell a property of theirs recently, also his jet, she pays large weekly medical bills and his family cannot completely be with him.
The most important task of all is to fill in the structural gap with reconstruction, as mentioned before, with another room. This is to complete the construction plan of the property and rule out the negative affects.
If construction was to take place, the wall must be built first before anything else. We do not want the concrete flooring to be ripped up from this sector, as this may re-enforce ripping of the spine or skull in some symbolical way. We want to fill in the gap by only adding to it, not taking away.
Its important in a renovation like this, that we add and not take, considering the state of health of the main occupant who lives there and the sensitivity of this spot.
At the very least, if construction takes place and some ripping up needs to be done, the wall must be patched along the missing sitting direction first, well and truly before any kind of activity like this takes place.
In regards to the square shape gardens, I wouldn't want to start on those first either until again, a new room or a strong wall has be patched along the missing sitting side.
Now I know the design above does not look as pleasing to the eye in comparison to their previous landscape, however with a good architect and landscape artist, this may be possible.
Just as a reminder again, remedies do not always work, a lot has to be looked at in terms of the individual for indications as to whether something will work or not. If the client has the means and money to do something, perhaps one can explore a different avenue. Even then, we treat the changes like an experiment of some kind. When it comes to clients with serious health conditions, I would never charge for the consultation. It would be free.
Also, another reminder, this article is not about using feng shui to "cure" a health condition. We go to the doctor's or hospital to get cured. Instead feng shui is an awareness tool.
We can try to influence something with feng shui, however in the end we are always at God's mercy.
Copyright 2016
By Feng Shui Master Gabriella Central Coast NSW Sydney Australia Interstate Worldwide /
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