by Master Gabriella Longmann
Check out your Chinese Zodiac sign in 2022 Year of the Tiger.
What is My Chinese Zodiac? Your Chinese Animal sign is determined by your year of birth. This is just a general outlook and not always accurate as one needs to know additional details about the time of birth, to make a more accurate Chinese astrological assessment.
This blog post is focusing on your yearly animal Chinese zodiac only and your Chinese horoscope compatibility and prediction for this year in 2022, considering also the Chinese Zodiac elements at play.
A Yearly Chinese Zodiac animal sign is still a good tool, one can use to see how one might fair this year, from an overall perspective.
These calendars are based on the count of the lunar new year, 1st of February 2022, the phase of the black moon which determines it’s start date.
A very brief overview of all 12 Chinese astrology animals in 2022 can be summed up here (please read the longer description of your sign as this is a very brief description):
Rats have to be careful of being drained, Ox’s must not be tempted to be in a rush, Tigers may have success/failure go hand in hand, Rabbits will need to uplift or change their long term situations, Dragons should lie low and ready or help people from behind the curtain, Snakes should be busy, fruitful but spendthrift, Horses may expect wealth or inheritance, Sheeps should stay at home, Monkeys will be at conflict and may travel, Roosters will re-think their romantic situation, Dogs will be the reserved wealth generator and Pigs will travel far and wide but may get used.
Scroll down to find your yearly Chinese Zodiac animal/prediction for 2022
Born in the Chinese zodiac Year of the Rat
1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
In 2022, Year of the Tiger, Rat people will work harder than usual or become drained. Your yearly motto is ‘don’t be a slave to others’.
People are finding that you are to them, a great asset and are of need of you more than other years, whether that be personal or professional. Because of this years tendency to ‘drain’, too much of this energy at play can cause one to be used.
Or it could cause people to ‘take’ from you in 2022 and this could be for some, a more sinister energy. So be weary. One way this might work for you beneficially is by donating to others, perhaps to a charity?
In Chinese Zodiac Year of the Tiger 2022, you should focus on making sure you have the rest that you need or break required to recover from a potentially hectic year. You may constantly need breaks throughout the year as the Tiger Year in 2022, can be ‘taking’ from your either literally or mentally.
Some may find a complete retreat into the shell is necessary.
In 2022, there is a chance people will like your ideas more, or what you advise or say, it seems more appealing. But this won’t be for everyone born in the year of the Rat.
For those Rats in Chinese New Year of the Tiger 2022, who appear to be on the more favorable side of the coin, could actually generate more work or activities, however, it will require a lot more energy or resources than realised and you may need a lot more backup than required and finances to get it going.
It could be that you need to put so much more energy into it than you thought?
Some Rats won’t be able to employ the resources or personnel and may fall short and others may succeed with hard work. In fact, the resources or personnel on your side, could be challenging for Rats in Tiger year 2022, so be prepared. And you may not get the backing you want.
If you are a lady born in the year of the Rat, you may find a male boss or associate, or some kind of male figure, is the one asking you to do all the work and who is also interested in your ideas. The opportunities may come from this man.
However be careful you are not getting used or taken for granted. You may have to work very hard for him. These type of situations could also happen to male Rats too.
Rats could also attract romance and seductive interest from others in 2022.
Work could be even challenging or detrimental in 2022. You may have to lay low like a trout hiding in shallow waters within the shadow of a rock, while the sun burns across the water brightly.
It is your skill in being able to see up ahead of the river, sense the current and slip through quietly, which may help you survive.
Hidden luck may serve you better in Chinese Zodiac Year of Tiger 2022.
This could happen in your personal relationships or private life too, for instance if you have children, especially a son, or a husband there may become a priority or area of influence in 2022, that takes up your time, that is draining in some way.
Born in the year of the Chinese Zodiac Year of Rat, if you are going through a legal situation in 2022, the competing party may be close to getting what they want from you, so be careful you are not left short.
A business partnership with another male may seem ideal, however be careful you are not doing all the work again or having your ideas taken from you.
Be careful of other competing males in your personal and/or professional private life whom are trying to take from you or drain you in other ways. This will not happen to all Rats, it really depends on the exact date of birth.
It doesn’t have to be a person, it could be just a very draining situation, or you could be vulnerable to theft or robbery of some kind.
Perhaps Rat people should invest more in security this year?
It won’t be negative like this for everyone born in year of Rat in 2022, like I said a new idea you have might get explored.
Not all draining energies are nasty, sometimes draining energies can be friendly or as a disguise, like an innocent mask, which might in all, end up only to be covering up some kind of lucrative beneficial return?
Its like as if you had to do a mighty big dance, with which you thought would never end?
Other Chinese Zodiac Rats in 2022, may in Chinese New Year of Tiger, find that they attract people to them for advice or some kind of consultancy, what seems like a menial task, although might end up as a more serious one or complicated concern?
Be careful not to spread yourself too thin during this year or to get used, especially not financially. Be more frugal with your finances.
It is not good for spending for some Rats in Chinese New Year 2022.
Other Rats may find, in Year of Tiger 2022, that it may be best to remain low, like the trout in the watery shadows, of a rock, on day that is too bright. Don’t try to fight a tough rocky stream, perhaps swim through a quiet river at night and find a shady spot?
The best time of year to take action is right now at the beginning of the year and right at the very end of the year.
This is all very general statement and may not apply to you when looking at your birth date in more detail.
Born in the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Ox
1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Always remember that doing things slowly can be faster than doing things quickly.
And if being too slow is not helping this year, a little sting and a zap to problematic individuals in your life, in the Chinese New Year 2022, might be enough to push negative impatient people out of your life. For many an Ox, success can come later in life.
However, you may find that 2022 Chinese New Year of the Tiger, will be too quick and fast paced for you and you may find it hard to keep up. It is like as if the grass is growing too quickly and prickly from underneath, remember that you always have some armor to fight back nasty problems, with a good sting and zap, might shut a few annoying people up!
In other words, put your armor on, show your strength and be quick with your tongue.
Then slowly retreat back to the bushes when no one is looking. People might ask where you are. The question is, do they really need to know?
Ox people may attract romance especially if they are single in Tiger Year 2022.
If you are organized you will be able to do it all (your projects and plans), just calm the mind down a little and plan it in steps. A bit by bit approach, don’t be sucked into the idea of doing things quickly, that might benefit others but not you!
The Chinese New Year of Tiger 2022, may be a year of allies or friends for many of those born in year of Ox. You may find some new purpose around a new job or career or may do things differently in your job or goals that you were focusing on before and you may approach from a different angle. People and partnership may be more beneficial.
You may find people help you more, even those in your family or you could be the helper or assistor! You will also be of great help and assistance to others outside your personal life, compared to other years and this could attract better job prospects or other opportunities, such as a business partnership. Or an agency or middleman might help you more.
Ox people in Tiger Year of 2022 may at times come out of their shell a bit more, to be more explorative or go places. Yet, you will, from time to time go back to your shell.
This year may not be a year to shine just yet, instead to help others who are already in the spotlight is beneficial.
You may have a relative or friend whom is very active and becomes more prominent (in a good way) during this year?
If you are a lady Ox, you may find a male friend, or male relative and the friendship might actually be beneficial in 2022. You could become friends with a man in this year or a beneficial male might come into your life. For some Ox’s it could be romantic.
This is a very general statement and won’t apply to everyone depending on your date of birth.
If you are a male Ox, you may engage with a (potentially new) male friend, male partner, or male relative more in 2022.
As a male Ox, you could also find romance too with a potential other. This relationship is suppose to be supportive and beneficial throughout 2022.
Chinese New Year of Tiger 2022, will be like riding a hectic horse. Maybe you had a business plan in 2021 and 2022 might help to get it started?
This is all very general statement and may not apply to you when looking at your birth date in more detail.
Born in the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Tiger
1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2020
Because 2022 is the Year of the Tiger and you were also born in the year of the Tiger, this year should be auspicious and luckier than other years, as you pass through your own sign.
However, the luck may be not as good as previous Tiger years you have gone through. This is to do with other energies at play.
In the Chinese New Year of Tiger 2022, you could find some strange opposition or pull when success is made. It could actually be a contrast of good and bad throughout which are playing around with each other in a weird fashion.
One minute you have a job promotion and then next your wife leaves you, or the next minute you win the lotto and at the same time a death occurs. I’m not saying those things will occur, however I hope you understand what I mean, when I describe this contrast going on in your life with the Chinese zodiac elements at play in 2022? When it comes to success.
Tigers in 2022 may excel this year more than other years, like the breaking of a world record or milestone, but it may come at a great cost? Such individuals may be close to gaining something remarkable only to have it taken away from them. It really depends on your exact date of birth, whether you will succeed or fail.
It is important to focus on your image, health and reputation all throughout 2022 as the most important aspect. You will want to take charge and quicken the pace, and this year success surely will follow (in most cases however I can’t guarantee it for all Tigers).
You will want to use your mind more to take control and influence things in 2022 and you will achieve success with it (depends on your exact date of birth).
People born in the year of Tiger may expect job promotion or success in business, or overall success with money, during Chinese New Year 2022 Year of Tiger, but as mentioned there is this push and pull effect around success and unsavory scenarios which could potentially be (not necessarily) wrapped together in the one bundle of victory, which could occur, so be prepared.
Other Tiger people in 2022, may lose or be at loss this year personally or professionally where the extreme energy may swing the other way.
How you artfully manage these conflicting scenarios at once (should they occur) will be a great test on you and will define who you are.
Not all Tiger people will have this contrasting effect, it really depends on your whole date of birth.
In all the energy for you in Tiger Year 2022, is ‘be at the very top or right at the bottom’.
Sometimes being at the bottom is actually being on top in disguise, and being at the top, can sometimes attract more problems that bring you to the very bottom.
There is an extreme emphasis to one’s reputation and image, one’s name and repute. You will have to tend this area of your life, more than other times. This year could influence all other future years of your life.
Tiger people in Tiger Year 2022, may decide to travel or go places more this year and you may need to for a specific agenda, not just for a holiday. If you travel, the spotlight may be on you more, so don’t expect to have a private get away or hidden holiday as people will want to see you.
This is all very general statement and may not apply to you when looking at your birth date in more detail.
Born in the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Rabbit
1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Those born in the Chinese Zodiac year of the Rabbit, during the Tiger year of 2022, may notice that what was working the last 10 or 20 years, may not be as auspicious as it use to be. Changes will have to be made, especially when you get to the Chinese New Year of 2023 - which will be the Rabbit.
Whether it is this year or next year, one might have to change jobs or stop their long time routine. Someone or something in your life needs to make a big change, and if it doesn’t happen you might have to remove them or do the change for them or yourself. If you don’t make the change, to the pull the rug up from beneath you, the change might come to you, which is beyond your control. The rug is pulled up from beneath you anyway.
You may have to stop to think about your foundations or long term arrangements you’ve maybe had for years and whether that be metaphorical or literal? You need a foundation or backing from somewhere and perhaps you didn’t think about this before?
Maybe you want to change the backing, back-up or long term situation behind you and start new foundations elsewhere? Some Rabbits in the Chinese New Year of the Tiger 2022, might want a divorce after many years or it might be a long time job you don’t want to be in anymore? This energy will or could continue into 2023.
In 2022, Rabbits may attract a bit of scandal or flirtation. Some whom are dating may find a partner however I can’t guarantee in will last beyond 2022. Some Rabbits single or married may attract more from the opposite sex.
This could be your home, real estate, your resources, even your allies, or a company, or a relationship etc or way of life that provides you the roots to get going and be secure. Maybe it doesn’t work anymore?
This influence will become paramount for change in Chinese New Year Rabbit Year 2023, not necessarily happening straightaway in Chinese New Year 2022.
Chinese New Year 2022 for you is a year of allies and friends who should be beneficial. If you are a female rabbit, there could be an emphasis to a man or son already in your life.
Single rabbits will have an opportunity to meet romance in 2022, especially female rabbits!
If you are a male rabbit, you will feel more powerful this year and thinking about what you want more in a relationship perhaps? There is also emphasis to family and people already close to you.
Your extrovert friends, or colleagues will influence you in 2022.
Your image and reputation and how you present yourself, what information you chose to give, is of significance, either this year and especially next year and will continue to be maybe for a long time.
People who you meet in 2022, may come out later to help you in 2023 whether that be your professional or personal life.
There will be a lot of focus and spotlight on yourself, who you are and your own goals in the year following 2023, so in 2022 leading up to it, you should prepare for that moment.
2023 could be a golden year for you, so in 2022 prepare for it, yet in that year it could also be more challenging for others born in the Rabbit Year. How it will effect you again is based on your date of birth.
In 2022, Rabbits in Chinese New Year, Year of Tiger 2022, might keep the same profession yet work in a different industry or project you wouldn’t usually consider?
You could swap ships and work for another crew yet, you are holding the same sword, so to speak.
In all 2022, has shifts and changes around you and things might be up in the air for a while for the next two years.
Property, assets could be insecure and also up in the air for next two years, this is a very general statement and won’t apply to everyone who is a Rabbit.
Born in the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Dragon
1940, 1928, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
In 2022, perhaps it is best to keep a low profile and even be a tad bit sneaky and inconspicuous, be like an eel and just slip pass through any challenging situation you may face. Or perhaps be like a crocodile and hide just under the surface, with your tools and weapons ready.
In 2-3 years time, where you may have goals you want to achieve by this period, now is the time to work towards that, but in this year don’t cause to much attention to one self.
If you are a Chinese Zodiac Dragon, you may have success with a business partner who is in work and financial situations. The emphasis is to promote them more and not yourself just yet or perhaps give the man or women some advice.
It could also be an extrovert type of female that you do this with too, put the spotlight on her and not yourself. It might be okay to do this a couple of times. You might even bring your romantic other out about more this year? Show them off perhaps but not too much.
You will notice the speed and swiftness of 2022, in the Year of the Tiger, but you will not be phased by it. Somehow you will be like a small but warmly lit lamp in an office, where everyone else is running around, panicking and yelling their heads off, yet you are sitting quietly at your desk, eating the nuts which are already on your table, from previous years of accumulation. You will be in the eye of the storm perhaps?
You may have to be secretive about something for a while or keep low key.
If you want to go out there and get the job you so desire, it might be successful if you are working with a highly extrovert type partner. Someone who is like an action star. Let them lead. Dance in their shadow.
If you are a Dragon, your male boss or those high up (if you have one) may like you better this year. Keep the low profile through, don’t try to take the limelight away from them, leave that till 2023 or 2024.
Male Dragons may have issues with other males, they could be your enemy, however there could be a way to win them over, the next year or two? The question you ask this year, can the enemy be your friend?
Dragons whom are single may find romance potentially in 2022 and it could be within your circle or nearby.
Dragons also may act as an assistant or ‘fortune turner’ more towards others whom may privately seek your help. Its the case of helping people from behind the curtain.
This is all very general statement and may not apply to you when looking at your birth date in more detail.
Born in the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Snake
1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
In the Year of the Tiger 2022, your Chinese Zodiac the Snake, will attract the resources or finances you want perhaps; however, you will use it up much and could be spending a lot. Its an in and out type of scenario going on. For some Snakes the wealth is coming for other Snakes, its more the case of, one minute you have it, the next minute you don’t.
Or for other Snake people, in 2022, it could be more, one minute you have it and now you want more!! Your motto for 2022 could be ‘I want more’ and ‘I want to quicken the pace’. You may not even need a rest like others as you’ll turn yourself into a jet!
If you have plans or projects, this year you will most likely release and execute them. Any plan or project on hold for years, may be pulled out of the closest and acted upon!
Be careful to not get into a lavish spending web, where you are taking up too many resources and not saving enough.
It could be the case, where you attract a big pay check yet then have debt or expense you have to spend it on. Or you could attract one of those situations where there is the more expensive mortgage and a higher paying job to go a long with it. Does that make sense?
It could be ‘sell and spend’ or ‘spend and sell’. And ‘lets go to the moon and back again, and then one more time’.
You will need more of something, like more fuel, more cars, more cash, more of this and that and you may find ways to attract those things. Its not a selfish thing, it may be that you need those things? Or wanted it a long time?
There will be some Snake people whom will be in a ‘spending year’, or a ‘selling year’ and some of these Snake people could spend more lavishly than other years, without it effecting them financially too much anyway.
Many Snakes (but not all) could inherit, attract wealth and favorable materialistic situations this year in 2022.
You could be in a job or project that involves resources, you could sell out or find you didn’t have enough stock. Perhaps there are too many customers, and you can’t give them all what you want?
There may be too many people to please this year however the rockets will be behind you and you may want to go afar. You may also travel or go great distances somewhere.
The year for you, will be very busy, hectic and full of potentially drama and movement, although to some Snake people they will also get success because of it. It really depends on your exact date of birth whether you are going to succeed or fail.
Many Snake people will be in and out of the house all year, maybe more than other years. This also could relate to an international influence or emphasis somewhere?
It could be online or to do with the internet. Those whom already have a connection to the online world, may see more of it in 2022. Those of you may focus on selling and marketing far and wide. Snake people will attract overall more international engagements.
Or the answer to something is actually far and wide? It will not necessarily be at home (the answer to what your looking for).
Perhaps reaching an audience through the internet is more emphasized this year. For you, electronics could be more emphasized this year or technology too? I see cars and fast things around you.
If you work with cars or fast things that fly or travel, this year it will stand out more than others.
The energy for romance is heightened. Even if you are married you could attract another love interest. You will be tempted.
Even if you are not travelling anywhere, Chinese New Year of Tiger 2022 will keep you on your toes in other ways. It could be very full on. 2022 is a very energizing and active year compared to others. Many Snakes will find that this year will not be a quiet one.
This is all very general statement and may not apply to you when looking at your birth date in more detail.
Born in the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Horse
1920. 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
In 2022, you could be the star of the show and in this case it may be okay to roar a little like a Lion.
Your yearly motto is “a small voice cannot be heard, but a loud one can”
Speak up I say, or people won’t hear you and you won’t get what you want.
You will finally get the resources and wealth required to give you the start in life that you’ve never had before and this time, those resources or cash funds, may stay where they are, potentially grow and not get spent. Although I can’t promise this for every Horse in 2022.
You could also get certain people to back you up in something, which you didn’t have before.
If you are already financially sound, things might get even better. Your projects and work will receive favourable light in 2022. You could do better than others in your field this year and there is a strong likelihood for that.
Like Snake people, Horses have an even stronger likelihood to attract an inheritance, wealth and materialistic pursuits in 2022.
Projects and plans and ambitions you have been working on, or have been on the back burner might actually begin to start rolling. If you have been struggling with employment, 2022 might bring you a job. A career you’ve wanted me be on your doorstep.
If you are already in charge of people, you will do so again this year with more emphasis and success and if you were looking for a job, this year may bring you one, maybe even the one you want?
If you are looking at land, farm, property, or real estate, or other resources, even hiring of people, you may find what you want.
If you are looking for something far and wide and may not be close to home, perhaps it is international something, you will find success this year. This could also relate to communications and the internet or real estate.
It is also the case of, if you are looking for something close to home, you may find that the answer is far and wide.
An international or foreign person or it could be someone from another city or state, will be a positive influence (I hope) around your affairs, professional or personal.
If you are Horse lady, you may attract a man romantically this year.
Same could be true for a man born in the year of the horse, in 2022, you could meet a woman or special someone romantically, they might be busy and full of ideas or directions. She could also be from afar?
This is all very general statement and may not apply to you when looking at your birth date in more detail.
Born in the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Sheep/Goat
1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
International endeavors, including sales, marketing, travelling, or things which are foreign could be a bit annoying and problematic in 2022.
If you are a female Sheep/Goat, a man at work or in your personal life could potentially cause you annoyances.
If not, they could be your friend or colleague and perhaps things are okay with this person yet maybe they have a lot of things going on around them during this year. You will wonder what the hell is up with them? Or you don’t agree on something in your working world?
This can happen also to a male relative in your life or personal partner, it could be your husband. They could annoy you with something this year?
Last year in 2021, you may have a had a difficult time that was challenging. There may have been deaths or endings (maybe at work) around you in some way during 2021?
In 2022, the energy will be a bit better for you, however you should keep a low and quiet profile. Don’t go outdoors too much, as it will be better to stay home more.
You will find perhaps in 2022, many loud mouths, extroverts, happenings and going on in the external world, which could be a bit too much for your liking in 2022, compared to other years.
This is why it might be better to work from home or keep the low profile I said.
If there is something personal or private about you, which you would like to keep hidden and not disclosed, 2022 may put a spotlight on it, so make sure you find other ways to keep that special secret pushed down the rabbit hole.
Big endeavors and ideas you may have for a while, or for big projects you dream about, may not make the turn around this year. Wait till 2023 Year of the Rabbit perhaps, to release, start or publish your project, you may see some success in 2023, but not this year.
You may also find, what worked for you personally or professionally in the last 10 or 20 years may not be as lucrative as it use to be or as beneficial, leading you to change tune perhaps? Are you going to do something completely different? Or perhaps you are sick of the same story, and want to start fresh in something new or different?
Single female Chinese Zodiac Sheeps/Goats in Tiger Year 2022 may find romance with a man, however it could be difficult and not ideal.
Some may even find men whom could turn out to be trouble makers. So be a bit more weary in the dating zone this year. Male Sheeps/Goats may not have as much luck either in romance during 2022.
Overall Sheeps may have more to do with documents, contracts or paperwork in 2022.
This is all very general statement and may not apply to you when looking at your birth date in more detail.
Born in the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Monkey
1928, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
For those born in the year of the Monkey Chinese Zodiac, in Chinese New Year 2022, you are going to find it really very challenging.
I would like you to pay extra attention to your health and image as well as your reputation. If you focus on this part of your life, you will gain success and overcome obstacle.
You may find yourself in a power struggle and if you are in an authority position, you will have to use more of your power and control and this may cause conflict. People may be more in opposition to your control and decision making this year in the Chinese New Year, of Tiger 2022.
I would like you to pay attention with opposition or ending-like situations around your partner or love interest or opposite sex. Some Monkeys may find it beneficial and others will find it a more negative process.
Single Monkey ladies should be careful of dating this year as such individuals may not be as suitable or it may be harder to find someone more suitable.
Relationships are cut throat or their could be endings in your relationship. An ending or cut throat situation in your job or your love interests job (or situation around them), could cause a strain on the relationship.
This year is not a year about doing nothing. You feel like to venture out of the woods. Your goals are important and you will act on them.
While you may go afar it could be risky and be careful where ever you travel to. While I don’t want you to go out much, in all this year will cause you to anyway.
You will find yourself perhaps travelling a lot more than usual.
The other flip side of the coin, is that others from far away are actually coming to see you. And it could be relatives. Perhaps they are all coming? Be prepared.
You might find international situations or an international energy is negative or turns out to be undesirable and conflicting?
If you are an active person with projects, ideas and business plans, but be careful stalling with your activities in some way? The energy might keep you stuck or there is stuck energy in your work? Maybe work feels like a dead end?
If you are flying somewhere, you may find it is problematic for some reason around the airlines or issues with other countries at some point in the year, which could effect you more than others. Or you may have another issue with flying. Or another type of international issue, or travelling issue..
At work or in career you must really focus on your key performance indicators and your results on paper, for some reason, these results regarding your performance on paper, are really taking perhaps centre stage in your life.
Generally speaking there could be a challenge perhaps around documents, legal matters or contracts with Monkey people in Chinese Zodiac Year of the Tiger 2022. I do worry for some, as mentioned, your health in general.
There may be other Monkey people whom will discover something about their health status that they didn’t know before in 2022, perhaps?
You may end up in a big argument with a male figure, he could be younger and cause a lot of trouble. If not younger, this male other, could be all about results and achieving things too quickly and this could get you on your nerves.
This energy could translate to a man like this in your life, who is very motivated, or perhaps too motivated, perhaps you are friends with them, or they could be your enemy? There may be some conflict with this person.
In all it is best to let this type of person run around the paddock. Don’t step foot in their territory so to speak. Let them brew in their own pot!
If you were good friends with a younger person, you may find that you are not as close to them before or perhaps at odds with them. If you thought you liked or admired a someone, potentially a younger or very active person, now you won’t like them perhaps as much in 2022?
Or they are getting on your nerves? If you are a Monkey man, there could be competition around you and other men in this year?
Other Monkey people may be obsessed with the physical image and may go under the knife to get the beauty they want in Chinese New Year of Tiger 2022. Or they are doing things to enhance their image or health in other ways. I can’t guarantee it will be a cup of tea!
This is all very general statement and may not apply to you when looking at your birth date in more detail.
Born in the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Rooster
1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
The Chinese Zodiac Rooster people, in Chinese New Year 2022, are going to find that perhaps they are sitting up above watching down on people and activities below and not able to do much about it – metaphorically speaking.
Some Rooster people, will also be seen as threat by others or as an ominous force. People might find you overbearing perhaps?
Patiently is the game here in 2022 and be careful of foreign, international engagements and transactions.
It is not a good time to be too authoritive, hasty or explosive in the beginning..
You may have a partner or be close to someone with power or control this year and this person may have to make some tough decisions which may not be popular. You can stand by their side and offer your support, however your involvement may not help (no matter how close you are).
There may also be times where it is beneficial to act quickly and speedily in 2022 – this decision to act swiftly is also a fine balancing act with the game of patience throughout the Chinese New Year 2022. It is quite dicey arrangement.
In all, you have to rely on your intuition to steer this unpredictable ship, whether you go fast or slow is up to you, but don’t continuously undertake things in a rush. Don’t be tempted to rush anything.
Take the time to be patient and think about what your actions will be, as there will be some individuals who may try to force you into a rush.
When the situation is like this, do what I do, make a slow decision when people expect you to make a fast one and make a quick decision when they think you will make a slow one.
Because when people don’t know what your moves are, they will not have power over you.
You will hear of all sorts of abrupt events and situations going on around you however, you yourself may not be effected by it or could be depending on your date of birth.
Those on your side or in your circle may find themselves in opposition to other opposing forces which will climax in 2022. This could be, although not necessarily foreign, international or far away influences that are knocking on your door.
Be careful of men whom are foreign or from international places. They may make a racket of themselves. Situations from far and abroad may make a great spectacle, and you will take notice of it.
If you are a women, you will be concerned perhaps about men in your life. There is concern or emphasis to how men can change or influence things. Whether this is a good or bad outcome depends on your exact date of birth. 2023 with reveal the outcome of all that in your personal life.
Roosters may also have issues or problems in romance and if dating, you may find the situation unfruitful or if you do meet someone, they may not be ideal. In 2023, single Roosters may meet a love interest however there may be much opposition around it.
In relationships, you may find that your partner is perhaps not quite right for you in 2022. If you feel this, it will build up in 2023.
This is all very general statement and may not apply to you when looking at your birth date in more detail.
Born in the Chinese Zodiac Year of The Dog
1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
In 2022, you will find that you could become a key player in a project or role that generates income and is fruitful in some way.
This is a key indicator year, which will influence other years of your life and propel things in other directions, many years afterwards. Whether this is good or bad outcome requires a closer look at your time of birth.
Be the reserved wealth generator. You may not need to stand out to generate wealth. It could all be from home.
People will regard and value you more this year without necessarily having to become or be in the limelight.
Born in the year of the Dog, 2022 may also bring emphasis to a legal matter. Unless I know your exact date of birth again, I do not know what way it will swing.
If you invest in something this year or there is a project you release, it may turn out to be lucrative later on. It may reach a wide audience and go afar, if that is the case, it may have success in 2022.
Projects from home might appeal more in 2022 but it could have link to something far and wide or reaches many people. Or study at home may also be on the cards.
If you are a hermit or need to be alone, in this year you will actually have a higher chance to be fruitful in your alone time and to gain from this scenario.
You may find a very enthusiastic type of person whom is beneficial to you in someway during this year.
If you are a women, you could attract a relationship or romance although I cannot guarantee it will last as it really depends on your date of birth. The yearly animal isn’t enough to determine this.
Or this man may be helpful to you in some way. It could be a relative but not necessarily.
If you are a male Dog, another more active male could be helpful to you in someway, they could be a relative or a colleague or professional.
As a man, born in the year of the Dog, you could also find romance this year with a women whom knows how to bring you out of your shell? If its not romantic, a women may be able to bring you out of your shell in other ways.
The answer to a problem is within yourself but you may expose your solution and explore on it with others as 2022 evolves.
If you have a project or business idea for a long time, and has been sitting around maybe even for years, this year might propel you to get it going finally.
You will have good financial sense in 2022 and potentially be able to bring in the money and keep it there.
This is all very general statement and may not apply to you when looking at your birth date in more detail.
Born in the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Pig
1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
People born in the Year of the Pig, in Tiger Year 2022 will be a year where you are continuously assisting others and helping them out.
If you are a women, there may be more men in your life than usual in 2022.
I do worry about you being taken for granted and getting potentially used professionally or personally.
If you are starting a business, or project, you may find that that there is a lot of work to do, to bring it to life. You could achieve the success you want if you give the idea or project much time, effort and resources.
Some of you Pigs have a higher chance to attract wealth and materialistic pursuits.
You may be spending a lot to make something else grow type of situations. If you are a women, in a business situation you may feel pressured to impress a man or men in general.
Again, like Rat people, in Chinese Zodiac Year of Tiger, you could get used or taken advantage of.
You may be investing somewhere more than usual and putting your money away to grow somewhere for a while. The situation is a bit ‘taking’ for expenses, but your plan just might very well work over the year, but you may not see results till 2023.
If you are a family person, you may find those in your household need your resources, help, or financial assistance more than other years.
There will be perhaps, just like people born in the year of the Snake, a lot of travel and movement around you. You could travel internationally or go interstate. What ever you do, you may always be on your toes and not able to get away from it.
Be careful with your time, energy and investments, as you may find that they may not make they return for you, or again could get used and taken advantage of – this is a very general statement and may not apply due to your exact date of birth.
If there is a project in 2023 Year of the Rabbit which you aim for, 2o22 Year of the Tiger is the year to spend on the project more and make it happen.
If a project, hobby or interest is supposed to be released in 2023, 2022 is the year you will spend more or invest more on it.
You have a project or task to do, you will find the energy to get it going and you might really feel motivated to get it done, more than other years.
This year, some Pigs might cause a few failures however next year in 2023, you may get some more success or fruitful return.
As an older male Pig, during Chinese New Year, Tiger Year 2022, you may find a younger male could cause you problems. As a older female Pig, also the younger generation, could be a bit challenging. Perhaps they remind you of your younger self?
Be weary of being drained when you travel or unsavory situations when you travel. Travel, industries that involve movement and ways of transport can be draining or taking from you in some way?
Anything that travels, could prove to you, to be far too much.
This is a very general statement and may not hold true to you as I do not know your exact date of birth.